30 Pretty Pink Roses Bouquet

Gracefull Gesture


Regular price Rs. 3,432.00 Sale price Rs. 2,145.00 Save Rs. 1,287.00

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A profusion of pink roses bending ragged in the rain speaks to me of all gentleness and its enduring. Strawberry cake is stunning in looks as well as delicious in taste too. A gift that your partner would never forget in her lifetime. There is no better way to express your pure love for her. Perfumes are the feelings of flowers, and as the human heart, imagining itself alone and unwatched, feels most deeply in the night-time, so seems it as if the flowers, in musing modesty, await the mantling eventide ere they give themselves up wholly to feeling, and breathe forth their sweetest odours. Flow forth, ye perfumes of my heart, and seek beyond these mountains the dear one of my dreams!

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