Anthurium Plant Care - Flamingo Flowers (Laceleaf) / Anthurium Scherzerianum
Anthurium Plant Care (Scherzerianum)
Anthurium plant is a genus of over 1,000 species consisting flowering plants and herbs that grow as epiphytes or terrestrial plants. The leaves of this species vary in shape and grow in a cluster form. The flowers are small in size and often perfect, which mean they carry both female and male structure to reproduce. The flowers grow in cluster on the spadix and form a spiral shape. Spathe is found just below the spadix and can be lance-shaped, curved or flat in shape. The fruits grow from the flower on the spadix. They are berries-like and vary in color. The fruits have two seeds.
The genus is native to America and its species can be found from Northern Mexico to Northern Argentina. It is also found in the some parts of the Caribbean.
The spadix and spathe are the main focus in this species because these are what help the breeders to develop flowers of different colors and shapes.
The sap of Anthurium plants contains calcium oxalate crystals, which is a poisonous substance and can lead to irritation in eyes and skin.
Anthurium Flamingo Flowers are also called tail flowers, flamingo flowers, and lace leaf.
Anthurium Flamingo Flower & Laceleaf: An Overview
The red oval spathes of a flamingo flower & Laceleaf make it really distinguishable. The flowers grow on orange spadix and grow densely. The heart-shaped flowers are actually morphed leaves and called spathes. The lifeline of spathes is about 8 weeks. The flowers are small in size and perfect in shape, hence, are deemed to be true flowers. The leaves of this flower can grow up to 18 cm long and twirl around the main stem. These pointed and large leaves contain calcium oxalate, a toxic compound which can because severe problems when indigested. Hence, it is always advised that you tend to the plant carefully and wear your gloves while watering or pruning it. Moreover, keep it away from pets and kids.
The natural habitat of the Anthurium plant is tropical and warm areas such as Central America. In such a place, the plant would prefer to be in bright light, moist air and well-drained yet moist soil. However, breeders have been able to grow new cultivars, which are more immune against climate changes and more adaptable as well as can withstand neglect to a great extent. They also happen to be more green, compact in size and can bloom throughout the year, in fall, spring or summer barring winters.
The perfect time for repotting the young plant is in spring when the roots have made its home in the container. Make sure that the crown of the roots stays above the soil line and if you find that the roots are showing on the surface, then it is an indication that you need to fill more potting mix into the pot. The plant doesn’t like to be moved too often. It is a root-bound plant and hence, it is better if you move it to a pot that is just a bit or one size larger than the existing one. Good drainage is very important for the well-being of the plant. The ideal temperature for the plant is about 21 degree Celsius. Temperatures below than this can cause the leaves to turn yellow. Please note that you need to keep the plant away from extreme heat and dry air as well. The plant shouldn’t be kept anywhere near drafts or AC vents.
The leaves are dark green in color and pointed. The leaves have the sheen on them and to maintain it, you should clean them with a damp cloth. You can also spray them with a shower to maintain their gloss and keep them clean. However, make sure that you clean the excess water and the leaves can develop fungus. If you see brown and dry spots on leaves, it could be the onset of fungus and you need to treat the leaves with fungicide. If you want to grow Anthurium Flamingo away from its native habitat, you need to create its native habitat to make it a bloomer and enjoy it lushness year after year.
Anthurium Flamingo Flower Care Tips:
Botanical Name: Anthurium scherzerianum
Native Country: Costa Rica
The plant can reach about 12-18 inches of height. It needs bright yet indirect sunlight to thrive and nurture properly. The humidity should be about 50% and average temperature of the plant should be about 18-24 degree Celsius. The plant requires moist soil all year round, which should be peat moss based and well-drained as well. The flowers of this plant are also called Boy Flower because of its structure. Anthurium plant & flower are easy to care for and blooms flowers that last long. Like leaves, the flamingo flowers also have waxy effect. The flowers are heart-shaped. The flowers or spathes are available in a variety of colors namely salmon, pink, red and white. These colorful heart-shaped flowers are a popular choice of cut flower arrangements. These also add pizzazz to a tabletop arrangement or a workplace at the reception. There are many species available in the market of Anthurium genus and often A scherzerianum and A andreanum are confused. The latter is the oilcloth flower and is larger than flamingo flower. The leaves are also noticeably different in shapes. The spadix, the part on which the flowers grow, is little bent in the case A andreanum.
Difficulty Level of Anthurium Plant :
If you are new to the gardening, it is better than you try with plants that don’t need as much as care as Anthurium Flamingo. The plant is nonetheless low on maintenance, but you do have to care about its watering, soil and create the almost identical native environment, which can be quite difficult thing to bear. Otherwise the plant is a delightful thing to have at home and watching it grow. The spadix and spathe look so beautiful and have distinct glossy appearance. The lanceolate and waxy leaves also add to the beauty of the plant so, you have all the reasons to go ahead with it if you are ready to impart the care it needs!
If you are looking to grow Anthurium plant in your house, here are a few things that you would like to take note of. These basic pointers can help you to take your gardening with anthurium flamingo to long way! Here you go!
Indirect bright light is best for your plants. If you want your Anthurium plant to thrive and bloom properly, that’s the way to go about. In the absence of proper light, the plant can become spindly as it tries to reach out for light. Please note that anthurium requires indirect light and if you place it in direct sunlight, the leaves can develop brown edges due to sunburn. Moreover, in the absence of sunlight, the plant skips blooming altogether or if it does at all, the flowers would wilt or wouldn’t bloom properly. It is better to keep rotating the plant regularly so that it receives light uniformly.
Since the plant is kept in indirect bright light, it needs water properly, especially during blooming phase. Let the topmost layer dry up to two inches before you water it again. Overwatering can cause root rot while not watering the plant properly can cause brown tips on leaves. However, the pot should be well-drained and there should be an arrangement to drain excess water.
A balanced fertilizer can do the trick for your anthurium flamingo houseplant. You can also go for a fertilizer that is high in nitrogen. The ideal time to feed your plant is summer and spring, as the plant is growing and blooms during the season. Dilute the fertilizer to 1/ 3rd or 1/4th of the recommended dose. Don’t fertilize in the winter as it is their resting phase and the houseplant wouldn’t like to be disturbed or fed,
During the day, the preferable temperature for the Anthurium flamingo plant is about 70-80 degrees whereas in night, the houseplant prefers to stay cooler. Any lesser and plant won’t grow properly and would show slow development.
The Anthurium plants are prone to the infestation of scale, aphids, thrip and mealy bugs. These pests often take a liking to new growths and leaves. If you find white scaly patches, this could be because of mealy bugs. Often to maintain the humidity, misting is recommended but if you tend to become careless or don’t have the time to wipe the excess water on leaves, it is advised that you don’t as the excess water can lead to fungus and mold.
How to Prepare Non-Toxic Green Solution for Anthurium Houseplants:
To keep the pests at bay, you can also spray the plants with the non-toxic green solution. The green solution is a mix of mineral oil, mild soap, water, and alcohol. Please note that if you are using the spray for palms, don’t use the alcohol in the mix.
How to apply it?
It is always better to use the spray on a set of leaves and then proceed with it. You would like to understand if your plant is responding favorably to it or not. For pest-infested plants, you could apply the green solution directly to the plant with the help of a Q-tip. If the pest problem has gone too far, you can skip the rest of the contents and go ahead with the mix of warm water and the moderate amount of biodegradable soap. Should you still face the same problem, it is advisable that you make a solution of water and alcohol in same quantity about 8 oz and two tablespoons of mineral water and soap each. It is always recommended to use it all over the plant.
When not to spray the green solution on houseplants?
This solution only works on leathery leaves. Leaves with fuzzy texture such as of begonias’ should not be sprayed with the solution. If the plant sits in the sun or has dry soil, you shouldn’t use green solutions on it.
The plant requires moderate to higher humidity to thrive. The higher the humidity levels, the plant would like it even better.
Flowering Phase:
The plant is an all year bloomer except the months of winters. Anthurium flamingo requires proper bright light to bloom.
The dead ends, dying and fading spathes should be removed as soon as you spot them. The decaying parts not only spoil the looks of the plant but can also cause infection in the healthy parts of the plant.
Since flamingo houseplant requires high humidity and warmth, it is prone to fungal and bacterial diseases that find refuge in the moisture. It is always the new growth that becomes the sweet spot for them. Hence, it is recommended that you keep plants in areas with open ventilation and proper air circulation.
Organic and rich, peat moss soil would do just fine for the plant. You can consider adding mulch or sphagnum moss to the potting soil. The soil should be moist and well-drained. You can add sand to increase the capacity of excess drainage of the soil.
Pot Size:
Since the plant is root bound, it is better to keep them in small containers. If you want to move the plant to a new pot to refresh the soil, it is advised that you use slightly larger pot. The pot should have proper drainage system in place to drain out excess water.
Resting Phase:
The six weeks of winter is the resting phase for Anthurium flamingo houseplant, during which it should not be fed with fertilizer. The plant should be kept in cooler area, most probably in a garage. The plant requires lesser light and the soil should be watered only when it is dry. Don’t move the plant unless absolutely necessary during its resting phase. If these conditions are fulfilled, the plant develops holistically and produces more blooms in the seasons of spring and summer.
Propagation of Anthurium flamingo can be done using offsets and new stems.
The plant’s leaves have calcium oxalate, which is toxic and can cause severe problems when indigested. Also, the plant’s sap is also known to cause skin irritation. Anthurium flamingo has a toxicity level of #3 and hence, it is advised to keep them away from kids and pets.
Questions on Anthurium Flamingo Flower Care:
- The flamingo flowers in my backyard won’t bloom at all. Last year, they did amazingly well! I have been practically more or less the same with them with regards to the care.
If your plant isn’t blooming, it could be due to improper lighting conditions. Move the plant to a corner where it can bright yet indirect sunlight.
Please note that the plant doesn’t bloom in winter and this is its resting phase. It requires those six weeks of winter to get through and prepare for the times ahead. You need to reduce watering and water only to keep the soil moist. The temperature should be lowered down and it shouldn’t be subjected to bright light. Take it as a sleeping phase for the plant, in which it would require rest. This phase needs to be maintained so that it can produce flowers for the year ahead.
- I have been spotting yellow leaves on my flamingo leaves. What could be the reason behind them?
Yellow leaves are due to overwatering and over-fertilization.
- The flamingo flower has brown spots on its leaves.
It is because that you have been keeping your plant in direct sunlight and the brown spots are caused due to sunburn. The plant requires indirect light and can’t tolerate the sun directly. This can also interfere with the blooming as well.
- What could be the reason behind the brown edges of the Flamingo plants?
Dry air! It is one simple formula. The thinner the leaves are, the greater is their need of humidity. If the flamingo flower at your house is prone to dry air, it can develop brown edges on the leaves. Misting can be a good thing to start with but you need to be really cautious with excess water on the surface as it can become a breeding area for fungus. It is more preferable if you can keep the pot or container on the wet pebbles tray. You can also place the plant nearby the group of plants that prefer high humidity. Place a mini humidifier nearby and you have a mini greenhouse ready for you at no extra cost! Keep the plant away from drafts and vents as the dry air can cause irreparable damage to the plant.
- Is anthurium flamingo flower toxic?
Yes, it is. It is advised that you keep the plant away from pets and kids. The leaves have calcium oxalate that can be really poisonous and cause skin irritation and when indigested, nausea, vomiting and dizziness. In fact, young ones can really be at risk. Hence, it is better that you keep it as a hanging pot arrangement or place it on a table that is well beyond their reach. You are also advised to tend to the plant wearing gloves as the sap can cause skin irritation and allergies. Wash your hands with mild soap after tending to the plant.